Sunday, October 20, 2013

Waiting for Kansas - a note from the intended parents

It's a month till we fly to Kansas to meet Morgan and Bunny. We are all booked in for the flights via Chicago and arrive late Thursday for the scan and hospital visit on Friday. The trip could hardly be more exciting to look forward too even if we don't have ruby slippers this might be the most memorable trip to Kansas ever.

The strange thing is that it all remains rather unreal as Morgan is doing all the work and her family are giving all the on-call support. Several thousand miles from the action we are merely the pushy parents proud to show round a scan and aware that Bunny still looks like a still of the starship Enterprise. We have held back telling too many people not because we are superstitious or fear their input or response but more because this is the most precious thing possible and everyone we tell somehow lessens the perfectly wonderful story that Morgan and we share. So until the next scan we are keeping it a limited secret and that makes us smile every time we think what we have. All those still in the dark will have enough of the sharing once Bunny comes along. 


  1. Wishing you all lots of luck on your scan and hope you like your visit to Kansas!

  2. Awe! It will be a wonderful trip. I love reading this story. Congrats on the soon to be meeting!
